Let’s reignite the passion and excitement back into your relationship!

Does it feel like you're living with a roommate instead of your romantic partner?

Maybe they're even a roommate with benefits...although you're not sure how many benefits YOU are actually receiving.

On top of that, you are struggling to feel seen and heard. How have you been together so long, but sometimes it feels as if they are a complete stranger?

You miss the butterflies you used to get, and it makes you sad to think you will never feel that kind of desire, passion, or excitement again.

Your frustration is increasing...

The silence between you is deafening...

And you are growing further and further apart.

What's a girl to do?!?!

At Midlife Marriage Reignited, we specialize in revitalizing long-term, midlife relationships.

This season of life is often one that gets overlooked. After all, you've been around the block a time or two. You are settled in your career. Maybe even looking forward to retiring in a few years. Your kids are either grown or pretty self-sufficient. To the outside world, it seems like you really got your shit together, but you know you are just pretending. It's too embarrassing to admit that you are questioning every decision you have ever made, including who you sleep next to every night.

But contrary to popular belief, this is one of the MOST important seasons. It's not necessary to shrink back and just live the life you have been dealt. You don't have to settle for a boring relationship that consists of the same routine day after day. There's no need to be frustrated because there is no fire, passion, or excitement in your bedroom.

It's time you finally figure out what you want in your relationship.

Hi there!! I’m Amy

Thanks for stopping by!

For years, I was under the impression that the intimacy and desire in my relationship was just supposed to happen.

And when it just naturally didn't, I assumed there were only 2 solutions. Either fake it and pretend like I was living my very best life, or ignore it and hope the whole situation would just go away.

Well...it didn't just go away. And I was getting really tired of pretending. I was using every excuse in the book the avoid any type of intimacy because I just always ended up frustrated and was becoming increasingly irritated.

We were arguing more and more. We spent way more time apart than we did together. There were days where we barely spoke. And in order for us to deal with it, he would spend his time at the bar or hanging out with friends and I would head straight for the mall.

I knew something had to change...

Looking for some like-minded women who can relate to what you are going through?

Join me in my free Facebook Community, Midlife Marriage Reignited.

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A 6 week private coaching package that will have you feeling more confident and sexy in and out of the bedroom.  It provides the support you need to improve your connection, increase your intimacy, and have your partner chasing you around like you were teenagers.

Are you ready?

It's time to receive the passion, pleasure, and desire you DESERVE

Don't waste another minute feeling like those passionate days are behind you. Learn how you can reignite the spark back into your body and your relationship TODAY!

See what others are saying...

After feeling like my husband and I would never have the spark we had when we got married, I reached out to Amy for help.  Within just a few weeks we were reconnecting in a way I didn’t think possible.  We recently enjoyed a romantic weekend away for the first time in years, and I am happy to report we now have sex several times a week instead of several times a year.  Thanks for all your help and encouragement Amy! -Anonymous

Get a sneak peek into Magnetic Desirability

Get a sneak peek into my paid online course, Magnetic Desirability and learn why having Magnetic Desirability is so important...the reason why your partner is continually asking for sex...and why you would rather spend time together outside of the bedroom.

If your relationship doesn’t change;if you continue doing the exact same thing you are doing today everyday for the next 5 years;what will your relationship look like?  

If you are uncomfortable with your answer to that question, you need Magnetic Desirability.

Download the free introduction here.

@ Amy Clinton 2023